
This work belongs to my son who selected it to live with when he was 19. It is a piece I composed in response to the Sandy Hook Massacre and titled “AKA Sitting Duck”, it hurts. My son brought forth many valuable lessons to me as his charge when he was growing and continues to open up my eyes to the creative energy in the world that effects him. I am extremely grateful to have him in my life.  When he’s not working, he enjoys using very complex, high energy drumming as a form of creative expression and I can see why this particular art work gets to him.

My take on the calling to create is that we are creators in an ongoing process of creation. The choices are always there, to create with love or not create with love. To be or not to be. As this human reality is a fractal manifestation of our minds and as we give form to our creations we have a huge responsibility to the love that we are and the creation that it desires to make. -TDC 3/19/18